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Investment Range: $3,500
Happy Camper Office Coffee Service
NO Real Estate • NO Employees • Work from Home • $3,500 Startup
Businesses in your local area are looking for an alternative to the slow service and dirty equipment that large, corporate coffee service companies provide. Almost HALF of people in an office HATE the coffee that the company buys. Why does this happen? There aren’t enough options for those businesses!
With your own, local coffee service, you can provide high quality coffees, all of the condiments needed for great coffee, and industry-leading commercial brewing machines. Local companies buy the coffee and condiments from you by the case (which is how you make money!) and you simply keep the equipment clean and the cupboards full. Start with a route of 1-3 businesses and expand as YOU are ready. Run the business from your home, and spend less than one day a week operating your route.
Make money by selling:
- Coffee beans, ground coffee, and “K cup” single cup coffee
- Creamers of all different flavors: french vanilla, hazelnut, and more
- Sweeteners like Sugar in the Raw, Splenda, and Stevia
- Cups, lids, drink stirrers, and cup sleeves
- Breakroom supplies like soaps, napkins, paper towels, and tissues
So many business programs are "all in" propositions. You invest a (really) large amount of money, buy equipment and a place to put it, pay for marketing services to find customers, and only then do you have the opportunity to start making money.
That's expensive and risky. There's another way.
Through the Happy Camper Office Coffee Service Program, we:
- teach you how to get started with an office coffee service route
- help you stay on track through the pivotal 4 month start of your new business
- stand back to watch you find the success you absolutely deserve
- introduce you to the service providers you'll need to partner with so that you can work with them directly and save the most money on everything you need.
You'll only buy equipment for your coffee route after you get commitments from your new customers and you'll buy it directly from the manufacturer to cut out unnecessary mark-ups. There's no reason to buy it all ahead of time.
We teach you how to own a successful coffee route, and how to save money in the most important places so that you keep more of your profits! The coffee service pictured below supports 80 employees in an office and generated a profit on the first day of service.
How much can you earn as an office coffee service provider?
Below are cost estimates for various sized companies that an office coffee service provider would have on their route. These are not statements of income, guarantees of income, or any other commitment to future earnings; they are simply academic examples of the tremendous opportunities present in this business.
- Office size: 1-10 employees: A company this size typically requires 1 K-cup machine, 2 cases of coffee, and all the additional fixings - cups, lids, sugar, creamer. In total, that equals about 65 cents per cup, or a gross amount of $50 - $150 per month.
- Office size: 10-40 employees: This office would probably need a plumbed-in machine, 8 cases of coffee, plus all those tasty fixings. You’re looking at $200 - $600 a month to maintain this.
- Office size: 40-100 employees: 2 plumbed-in machines, 16 cases coffee, cups, lids, fixings: $600 - $1,500 each month.
- Office size: 100-175 employees: 3 plumbed-in machines, 28=30 cases coffee, cups, lids, fixings: $1,500 - $2,625 each month.
- Office size: 175+: These are always special situations, but the potential earnings can be significant!
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