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Investment Range: $2,450 - $9,950
About YB 12
We’ve been involved in business and personal development for over twenty years, and in that time, more than 100,000 people have attended our public seminars and in-house workshops. The company was founded in 1989 by John Grant, who himself has presented to more than a thousand audiences.
YB 12 has been shaped by John's passion to help people hone their life-skills and tap into their full potential. Our YB 12 coaching team has developed an innovative training and support program, and through it, are assisting clients in becoming empowered and focused, both as individuals and in business. We are looking for enthusiastic, driven people to join us as YB 12 Corporate Coaches and YB 12 Classic Coaches.
YB 12 Classic Coach Opportunity
Becoming a classic coach with YB 12 is for people who love personal development and like the idea of working with people on a one-to-one basis or in small public groups.
Our aim with coaching is to encourage our clients to win by teaching them our prescribed, psychology based life skills program. The centre piece is the YB 12 Classic Program, which breaks down a 12 month process step-by-step which our YB 12 Coaches guide their clients through.
Becoming a YB 12 Coach means you can be your own boss and plan your own work day. Building your career without limitations, you can go as far as you choose to, and you’ll have a multitude of leadership opportunities available if you want to move up. You’ll have our continuous support and back-up and you will be able to rely on your Master Coach to guide your way. We think of it like this – you’ll be in business for yourself, but not by yourself.
YB 12 Corporate Coach Opportunity
This is a powerful business-focused opportunity that will place you in front of employee groups in training rooms and board rooms as a dynamic and effective public speaker. This opportunity is for executive level professionals, who can confidently hold large audiences. One of the central programs Corporate Coaches run is the YB 12 Results Program, in which an over-arching theme for the year-long duration is established. We then work toward achieving the aims of this theme by planning strategies, tasks and objectives for the company. The YB 12 Coach presents monthly sessions, and staff members are kept on the program’s track with bi-monthly review sessions.
Corporate Plus
YB 12 Corporate Plus: This is a suite of five one-day workshops you can offer your existing or new clients. The workshops include Leadership Development, Time Management, Stress Management, Consultative Selling and Team Building. These are the five staples of a training organisation. If you subscribe to Corporate Plus, you will then have a full suite training consultancy, which includes Total Focus and the Results program making up seven of the highest quality training programs on the market today.
Why Join YB 12?
Imagine working from your home office, choosing your own hours and earning up to $60,000 per year part-time as a YB 12 Coach, or even earning as much as $200,000 per year as a Corporate Coach presenting productivity based training programs that deliver businesses the best year of their business lives. At the same time, you will be empowering employees to negotiate life better than they could ever have imagined.
Did you know that spending on learning and development rose an average of 12% in 2012? We have been studying the corporate training industry for over a decade, and it continues to change and evolve. Businesses spend more than $130 billion on training globally, and a great deal of this goes into coaching and productivity based programs like ours. This is a veritable boom industry and we are looking for professionals to join us and help us expand.
You can join us in the knowledge that we’ve been doing this for more than 20 years and we’ve delivered superb results for thousands of individuals and companies. Take for example Macquarie Bank, who reported a 200% increase in revenues in their Mortgages Division the year after they finished our YB 12 Coaching program. Macquarie directly attributed that success to our program. We are tried, proven and tested and we will teach you the formula for success as a corporate coach.
The best thing about both of our YB 12 coaching opportunities is this - we work on a win-win arrangement. After your initial fee to cover training, we don’t get paid until you succeed and even then, it is based on your results. There are no high upfront franchise fees, simply proven results and a system we are confident will make you a success.
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